Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Lou Gerstners IBM :: Lou Gerstner IBM

Lou Gerstners IBM1. What struggles does Lou Gerstner face in his excogitation to makeIBM network-centric? Consider sexual and externalimpediments.In order to make Lou Gerstners plan effective he hadto make many changes with in the IBM company. Gerstner setup a team with Jerry York and Richard Thoman along board.Some changes that were made with in IBM were, a cut back onemployment, reduced expenses, and a stronger customerservice. Gerstner and his new team based their plans oncomputer networks and the products needed to help IBM reachtheir future goals for the company. Some struggles Gerstnerfaced would be, the cut back in employment, I think thiswould have hurt his plan because I would have slowed downthe production of the IBM products also high costs with norevenue would hurt his plan until he could work and fix theproblems. another(prenominal) problem Gerstner was faced with would bethe process of getting lost customers back to buy IBMproducts.2. Must IBMs basic corporate culture change in order tomeet Gerstners goal? Explain.I think that IBMs corporate culture would have changedbecause IBM is following a new structure in order to achieveGerstners goals.. Since employment would be cut back thatmeans that the workers that did stay would have longer hours. Another thing that would change would be the quality and advancement of the products, since the expense cost would be cut down , the quality of the products would decrease. Being the expense cost declined the would be no room for travel the products and keeping up with the competitors.3. What strengths does IBM possess that make Gerstners planachievable? How do Gerstners strategies incorporate thosestrengths?IBM is a well known name and its been around for along time. I would buy a product from a company who has agood reputation rather then from a brand new company Ive

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